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  • 14 Housing – Renting and Buying
  • Planning and Development Controls
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Planning and Development Controls

This chapter details the laws and regulations surrounding land and property in Tasmania, including; information on the application process and the controls that are in place, the laws that apply, environmental issues and management tools, payment of rates, heritage issues, how environmental impacts are assessed and contacts and resources available.

Controls and Applications

Development Control Most land uses and development require the consent of local councils (sometimes called ‘planning authorities’). Such consents are called ‘planning permits’ or ‘planning approvals’. Development of land includes the carrying out of any building, engineering, mining or other ope...

Land Use Planning and Approvals

LUPAA is the major legislation relating to the regulation and control of development in Tasmania. LUPAA establishes a system of planning schemes that provide a framework for regulating the use and development of land, and some resources, within local government areas. Planning Schemes A plannin...

Assessing Environmental Impacts

Under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act (EMPCA), development activities are classified according to three levels, depending on the environmental risk presented by the activity. The assessment process for each level varies, and is outlined below. An excellent resource is also ...

Environmental management tools under the EMPCA

EMPCA stands for the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act (EMPCA) 1994. A major component of EMPCA is a variety of management tools for the prevention and/or reduction of environmental harm. Other than environmental impact assessment, there are a number of management and enforcem...


There are specific Commonwealth and State legislation designed to protect significant heritage places, including natural, built and cultural environments. Commonwealth legislation Two lists of significant heritage places are maintained under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservat...

Local Government Issues – Rates

General The major source of revenue for local government is the rating system. Rates are levied on almost all privately owned land and buildings in the State. In effect, all land and buildings are rateable, unless coming within the prescribed exceptions named in section 87 of the Local Governmen...

Contacts and Resources

Building Appeal Board Registrar Workplace Standards Tasmania Dept of Justice 30 Gordons Hill Rd PO Box 56 Rosny Park, TAS, 7018 Phone: 03 6233 7657 (Outside Tasmania) Local rate: 1300 366 322 (Inside Tasmania) Fax: 03 6233 8338 Email: Tasmanian Civil and Admin...

Page last updated 19/03/2018

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