Environmental Issues
Different laws apply to the entry of different kinds of objects. Water flowing from one neighbour's land to another neighbour's land as a result of natural events and situations (rain, floods, slope of the land and so on) does not normally involve any legal issues. Where a flow of water from a ne...
Smoke, Smells, Noise and Pollution
Smoke and Smells The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) lists a number of smoke, smell and air pollution that elicit complaints. These include: odours from abattoirs and food processing plants, forestry burns, waste and wastewater disposal, management and treatment sites or plants, industr...
This section deals with nuisance under the Local Government Act 1993 (the LGA). A complaint to council under the LGA can be done by a person online or over the phone. However, the legislation is unclear as to whether a nuisance must cause a harm to the person who brings the nuisance to the attent...
The Council is responsible for implementing a dog and animal management policy. This covers microchipping of animals, registration of dogs, and areas where dogs can exercise on and off the lead. The current Hobart City Council policy can be found online. The Dog Control Act 2000 (Tas) creates ...
Trees and possible dangers
The Neighbourhood Disputes about Plants Act 2017 With a beautifully simple title, the Neighbourhood Disputes about Plants Act 2017 provides for the rights and responsibilities of land owners and the resolution of disputes, related to plants. It enables dispute resolution and also provides for se...
Problems Outside the Boundary
Neighbour's Rights: easements and other rights Sometimes neighbours will have disputes because one disagrees with something that the other is doing entirely on his or her own land and which involves no actual crossing of the boundary. For example, an occupier may object to a neighbour who seems ...
Page last updated 02/12/2021