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  • Industry Codes of Practice
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Industry Codes of Practice

Codes of Practice

Industry codes of practice regulate and manage the physical operations and activities of the relevant industry. These Codes are commonly developed and regulated by the industry itself (such as the Forest Practices Code) and usually include general principles and objectives for planning and manage...


For the purposes of planning, forestry is divided into two categories – public and private forestry. Public forestry refers to forest operations conducted on public or Crown land, with the responsibility for planning and management of these areas lying exclusively with Forestry Tasmania. Private ...

Mining Activities

The EDO provides a comprehensive overview of the legal regulations around mining in Tasmania in Chapter 11 of the EDO Handbook. Government bodies that are significant include: the Mining Tribunal, the Registrar of Mines, local councils, and Mineral Resources Tasmania. Mining has been a signifi...

Parks and Wildlife Service

The Nature Conservation Act 2002 regulates the conservation and protection of flora, fauna and geological diversity within Tasmania. This Act also classifies reserved lands in Tasmania and establishes values and objectives for each reserve class. The National Parks and Reserves Management Act 200...

Marine Farming

In many of Tasmania’s coastal areas, marine farming is now a significant development activity. However, the nature of marine farming operations and the planning and regulatory framework governing these operations has meant that marine farming has also become a source of community concern. Concern...


There are specific Commonwealth and State legislation designed to protect significant heritage places, including natural, built and cultural environments. Commonwealth legislation Two lists of significant heritage places are maintained under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservat...

Page last updated 14/12/2017

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