Introductions to ACL
In Australia governments have introduced laws which aim to protect consumer rights and stop misleading and deceptive business practices.
Today, most of these laws are contained in the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), which is located in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
There are also a large number of government bodies set-up to protect people’s rights under the ACL.
The Federal Government has compiled a list of these agencies, which can be viewed here.
In Tasmania the state government has set up Consumer, Building and Occupational Services (CBOS).
If you have made a purchase, in Tasmania and believe the business selling that item breached the ACL, you can raise that issue with CBOS which will investigate the issue.
Importantly, CBOS can not make an enforceable decision like a court, or a judge.
However, in some cases they may be able to help you reach a reasonable outcome through mutual agreement.
Court action over an ACL issue is not something you should undertake lightly.
Litigation is expensive, there is no certainty you will get the outcome you seek and it is not a step you should take without getting legal advice first.
If you can not afford to pay a lawyer, The Hobart Community Legal Service may be able to assist.
Page last updated 11/12/2020